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We cover the areas of Bloubergstrand, Bellville, Brackenfell, Parow, Century City, Durbanville, Milnerton, Kuils River, Melkbosstrand, Table View, Tygerberg, Montague and surrounds in the Northern Suburbs of Cape Town (scroll down for municipal area list):

CPTN Pest Clean map

Protecting our customers’ health, food and property since 1991 – safely and reliably. As part of The Specialists Franchise Group, Cleaning Specialists™ is the leading provider of professionally outsourced cleaning services for homes, offices, factories and commercial buildings throughout Southern Africa – specialising in both once-off and long-term contracts. When it comes to Window Cleaning, Ceiling Cleaning or any other Surface Cleaning Services, you can rely on The Specialist in Cape Town North area to deliver!

Give us a call on 0861 101 761

CPTN Pest Clean map

Protecting our customers’ health, food and property since 1991 – safely and reliably. As part of The Specialists Franchise Group, Cleaning Specialists™ is the leading provider of professionally outsourced cleaning services for homes, offices, factories and commercial buildings throughout Southern Africa – specialising in both once-off and long-term contracts. When it comes to Window Cleaning, Ceiling Cleaning or any other Surface Cleaning Services, you can rely on The Specialist in the Cape Town North area to deliver!

Give us a call on 0861 101 761


Window Cleaning

Windows need to be kept clean in commercial buildings for numerous reasons. They look more attractive when they are clean and keeping them clean results in less drastic chemical treatment, which in turn saves money in the long-run.

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Ceiling Cleaning

Most people don’t realise how dusty, dirty or grimy a ceiling can get because we don’t see it or pay attention to it on a daily basis. Getting a ceiling cleaning service is thankfully an inexpensive exercise and costs about half of what painting the ceiling would cost.

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General Cleaning

Maintaining the cleanliness of your property can be an undertaking that requires a lot more time, equipment and resources than you may have. Enlisting the services of an outsourced cleaning company could be the answer to your cleaning and pre-occupational cleaning needs.

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Need window, ceiling or general cleaning?

Don’t hesitate, contact The Cleaning Specialists for a free quote!


Our cleaning services have been trusted and recommended since 1991

Our staff are skillfully trained, industry certified and highly skilled

We’re members of the National Contract Cleaners Association (NCCA)

All technicians are equipped with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to ensure their safety where required

Get in touch – Send us an Email

    Our Branch covers the following areas:

    Amandaglen | Amandelbrug | Amandelkroon | Amandelsig | Arana | Arbeidsgenot | Avenue Heights | Avonwood | Balvenie | Beaconvale | Belhar | Bellvue | Bellrail | Bellville | Beroma | Bishop Lavis | Blackheath | Blommedal | Blomtuin | Bloubergstrand | Blue Downs | Bonnie Brook | Bonteberg | Bontheuwel | Bosmans Estate | Bosonia | Boston | Bothsig | Bracken Heights | Brackenfell | Brentwood Park | Brooklyn | Cape Town Harbour | Century City | Charlesville | Chrismar | Church Hill Estate | Clam Hall | Clarkes | Cravenby | Danarand | Danena | De Duin | De Kuilen | De La Haye | Dennemere | Detijger | Devils Peek East | Door De Kraal | Drostdy Park | Dunrobin | Durbanville | Edenpark | Edgemead | Eerste Rivier | Epping Industria | Epping Forest Estate | Eureka | Everglen | Eversdale | Eversdel Heights | Factren | Fairfield estate | Flamingo Vlei | Foreshore |Gersham | Glen Ive | Glen Lily | Glenhaven | Goodwood | Greenlands | High Places | Highbury | Hillrise | Hindle Park | Hoheizen | Hoogstede | Joostenburg | Joubert Park| Kaapzicht | Karl Bremer | Kenever | Kenridge | Kensington | Killarney | Kingston | Klipdam |Kraaifontein | Kuils Rivier | Labiance | Langeberg Glen | Langeberg Ridge | Langeberg Village | Loevenstein | Loumar | Mabille Park | Maitland | Marinda | Marlborough Park | Marlow | Melkbosstrand | Mikro Park | Milnerton | Mimosa | Modderdam | Montague | Monte Vista | Morgenster | Mouille Point | Ndabeni | Northgate | Northpine | Oakdale | Oakdene | Oakglen | Oostersee | Paarden Eiland | Panorama | Parklands | Parow | Parow Valley | Proteaville | Ravensmead | Richmood | Ridgeworth | Riverton | Robben Island | Royal Ascot | Rugby | Ruwari | Ruyterwacht | Sandberg | Sanddrift | Sanlamhof | Sarepia | Scottdene | Scottsville | Cederburg | Silveroaks | Silversand | Skilpadvlei | Skoongesig | Soneike | Sonnendal | Springbok Park | St Dumas | St Michaels | Stanlou | Stellenridge | Stellenryk |Stikland | Summerville | Sunbird Park | Sunkist Estate | Sunray Estate | Sunridge Estate | Table Bay | Table View | Tara | The Range | Tigerhof | Townsend | Triangle Farm | Tunnel | Turf Hall | Tweefontein | Tygerberg | Tygerdal | Tygerpark | Tygervalley | Uitsig | Uitspanskraal | Universiteits | Valhalla Park | Vierlanden | Vredekloof | Welgemoed | Wetton | Windsor Park

    Give us a call on 0861 101 761

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